Before you start awarding stamps you need to onboard your customer on the yumdealz app. It is easy to do. You will receive a starter kit when you subscribe that includes a table stand. Watch the video below to see how it works.

We Fit Your Business
We offer a variety of stamping solutions tailored to fit your business model. These tools are designed to provide you with flexible and customizable options for managing stamps effectively.

1. Stamper App
You gain access to a stamper app which you can use to award stamps to your customers. You can use it yourself or you can assign your staff as stamp officials.

2. Stamper Site & Scan Puck
You can have the stamper site open on a desktop or tablet and let your customers scan the puck. When they scan it a session will be created on the site which will be visible by you and your stamp officials. Clicking on a session allows you to award them their stamps!

3. Scan Puck Only
You can ignore the stamper app and stamper site all together. You can set up the scan puck so it awards your customers their stamps directly. 1 scan = 1 stamp.